Sale overview
These are brief details of the process on a sale……
We look to get the Buyer in a position to Exchange of Contracts as quickly as possible.
To get to this point we:
1. Obtain the title documents from the Land Registry.
2. Issue a draft Contract with supporting title documentation to the Buyer’s Lawyer.
3. Reply to any enquiries raised by the Buyers Lawyer.
4. Agree with the Buyer’s Lawyer a completion date which suits all parties.
5. Obtain the signature to the Contract in readiness of Exchange of Contracts.
On Exchange of Contracts – the commits the Buyer is committed to buy the Property at the agreed price and on the set date. After Exchange of Contracts we:
1. Obtain a repayment figure from any mortgage lender.
2. Notify the selling agents (if any) that exchange of Contracts has been affected and request that they issue their commission account to us in readiness for completion.
3. Provide the financial information for approval
On the Completion Day we:
1. Receive purchase monies from the Buyer’s Lawyer.
2. Repay all mortgages.
3. Pay the selling agents fees.
4. Transfer any balance.
There may be a chain of Buyers and Sellers, where each purchase is linked to a sale. These chains may be comprised of any number of buyers and sellers, and can lead to delays. Where such situations arise we are proactive in ensuring that all parts of the chain We are a proactive firm who are willing to chase parties involved to ensure the transaction is driven forward to completion as quickly as possible.